Kanazawa Hakkei has been known as a scenic place from the Kamakura period, but after the Meiji era, evolved from that was the hinterland of the Yokosuka naval base, became gradually as nature is lost.
Born in local, the Takeo Tsunoda which had served as a teacher not fulfill while aiming the painter, and Leave the land of Kanazawa, which is becoming such lost to posterity, it drew a lot of watercolor painting in the early Showa era.
Fortunately, in the precincts of Shomyoji located right next to the Kanazawa Bunko, but the landscape at that time has managed to stop its appearance, its surroundings, it has become a residential area, such as a completely everywhere.
A number of landscape drawn by the Takeo Tsunoda is, it must go now on forever, to cause a feeling of nostalgia to people.
(Translated by Google Translate)
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